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While I enjoy my management consulting career, I keep saying: Not everybody needs to become a consultant! Before you take this career path, you shall be sure enough that it is the right one for you.

Making the right career choice is not easy and, for some among us, it takes a lifetime! In this video, I introduce you to a career choice framework that I find very helpful and recommend you to try out for yourself.

In order to narrow down potential career options, you should ideally a.) do something that you love doing b.) choose something that matches your capabilities c.) select a service area that is in great demand. In the video, I go beyond this framework though and give it my own spin… Wait and see how Jack finds his own destiny at the end of the video… 😉

Originally, I gave this talk to Rotary young leaders in Manila, Philippines, and since it was so well-received, I decided to re-record to share it with you here. The live talk was followed though by a Q&A session, in which we dived into some very specific and tough questions around making the career choice. I add the video link to the Q&A session (“PART 2”), too, if you would like to dive a bit deeper into that topic.

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